California Van Nuys St. Elisabeth School
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St. Elisabeth School

6635 Tobias Avenue
Van Nuys, CA - 91405


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About St. Elisabeth School

St Elisabeth School provides after school care on most school days from 3:00 to 6 pm.* This program includes a homework club, time for play and arts and crafts in a safe protected environment.
*See the school calendar or After School Care registration packet for more details on days of service.
For the safety of your children if they have not been picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal or the end of any after school activity in which they participate they will be sent to after school care. Please do not ask your children to wait on the street or in front of the church. This is simply not safe!
Students ages 5 and up are eligible to participate in our after school care program.
After school care begins 15 minutes after dismissal and is open until 6 pm.
Preregistering for this program provides you with a discounted rate.
Register for monthly service or for occasional drop in service. (Registration packets are available in the school office).
Monthly fees are paid in advance and are due at the first of each month September through May (December's payment also covers June). The cost is $125 for one child, $165 for 2 or more children, and $25 for each additional child.
Drop in service for students who are pre-registered will be charged against your after school care deposit at a reduced rate of $5.00 per hour.
Drop-in fees without preregistration and deposit are due the day following service. The drop in fee is $7.00 per child per hour or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $21.00 per child per day if the child is picked up by 6 pm. ( Payments not received within 15 days of service may be rolled into your tuition or subject to further collections).
After school care closes promptly at 6 pm. Please pick your children up by 6. There is a late charge of $10.00 per five minutes or fraction thereof after 6 pm. Continued late pick could result in your child(ran) no longer being eligible to participate in the After school care program.

Family Commitment Agreement
Families are expected to attend Parent/Teacher conference, Parent meetings, Weekly Sunday liturgies and Monthly School /Parish liturgies
Every family is committed to participate in the school fundraising activities.( See the link for more detailed information)
It is understood that tuition does not cover the cost of educating a child and that the school depends on volunteer service and fundraising to help meet the gap between tuition and the actual cost of education. Unfulfilled fund raising goals will be billed two weeks following the end of the fundraiser.
Families who have chosen to participate in the Silver Tuition Plan are also obligated to complete service hours for the school. (See the link for more detailed information)

Service hours
Each family is expected to give 60 hours in voluntary service each year. 30 hours must be completed by Jan 9, 2012 and the remaining 30 hours are to be completed by June 4, 2012. (10 of the 30 hours due by June 4 must be given to the Parish May Festival).
Uncompleted service hours will be billed in January and May at a rate of $10.00 per hour.

Be active in our school community!
When we work together, we can accomplish great thing above and beyond the minimums!
The purpose of holding fundraisers is to reach out to the community to help support Catholic education and to ensure that you do not have to pay out of your own pocket.
We understand that it is hard work and time consuming and we respect an individual's right to opt out by paying additional costs themselves.
Because tuition does not cover the actual cost of your student's education*, each family is expected to support the school fundraising activities.
Just to meet operating expenses we need to raise a minimum of $50,000 net for the year. We would like to raise more so that we can target special projects to benefit our school.
You can help cover the gap between the tuition you pay and the actual costs by actively participating infundraising. This is absolutely imperative if we hope to keep a Catholic education affordable.
To meet our goal each child needs to generate a net profit for the school from fundraising activities of $250. Of this total, a minimum of $125 must be raised during the first semester.
You may opt out of the fundraising program by writing a check for $250 per student you have enrolled or by rolling this amount into your tuition payments.
Each major activity will be described in a brochure sent home prior to the event, which will outline the expected level of family participation.
The dates of these fundraisers will be listed on the school calendar.
Most fundraisers bring in a 50% profit. For example- If you sell $200 of gift-wraps and magazines, the school receives approximately $100.00, and then you have contributed $100 toward your goal of $250 per child. Unfulfilled fundraising: If you have not opted out of fundraising as described above and you do not fulfill your fundraising goal you will be billed for the outstanding amount in January and in May.

Timely payment of tuition and fees is important to the financial stability of our school.
Tuition payments are made by automatic deduction through SMART TUITION.
Installments are due on date indicated and a $50.00 late fee will be added for late payments.
There is a $25.00 charge for NSF Checks.
If Tuition is paid in full by August 15 a $100.00 discount is available. (Scholarship recipients are not eligible for this discount)
If tuition and fees are not paid in a timely manner your child(ren) may be excluded from school. In addition, report cards will be withheld if tuition and fees are not current. Outstanding fees or charges (i.e. for after school care or fundraisers) that are more than 30 days overdue will be rolled into your SMART tuition account or placed in collections Tuition that is 30 days overdue may be placed in collections.
Tuition and fees are non-refundable and can not be prorated for early withdrawal.

Please contact the school directly for tuition rates!

Affiiation: Roman Catholic
Grades Prekindergarten - 8
Number of students: 295
Number of teachers: 11
Financial aid: none available

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