St. Albans School
Washington, DC - 20016
About St. Albans School
Tuition and Fees 2012-2013
Day School Tuition: Forms C-VI: $36,973 (New students also pay a one-time, non-refundable $1,850 registration fee = $38,823)
Boarding School Tuition: Forms III-VI: $52,301 (New students also pay a one-time, non-refundable $1,850 registration fee = $54,151)
SPECIAL FEES in the Upper School are charged on the basis of curriculum and are payable as billed; Voyageur: $165/Trimester; Science Lab: $110/Sem.; Studio Art: $125/Sem.; Computer Science: $100/Sem.; Adv. Photography: $110/Sem.
Instrumental and Vocal lessons are available. Rates per semester vary according to length of lesson.
ELECTIVE TUITION REFUND INSURANCE (Day: $232.20 or Boarding: $328.46) is made available to parents and provides a percentage refund for medical absence, withdrawal, or dismissal. The insurance is optional, but parents are reminded that the School itself will make no rebate for absence, withdrawal, dismissal or transfer of family. Insurance charges are payable with initial billing.
GROUP ACCIDENT INSURANCE ($38.00) is also available and covers the entire school year. The School is not responsible for personal injury or property loss or damage incurred in connection with school activities or programs. Insurance charges are payable with initial billing.
ADMISSIONS TESTING FEE($80.00) is a non-refundable fee which must accompany the application for admission. (This fee may be reduced or waived for applicants who will require substantial financial assistance.)
ENROLLMENT DEPOSIT: ($1,000) is paid once, upon enrollment in the school. The deposit is held and re-applied each spring to secure enrollment for the following year. The deposit is refunded upon separation from the school once all outstanding bills have been paid. (This fee may be reduced or waived for applicants who will require substantial financial assistance.)
NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION FEE: $1,850. A one-time, non-refundable $1,850 fee for each newly-enrolled student.
CANCELLATION: Enrollment at St. Albans School may be cancelled by written notice only, up to June 1. After June 1, the parents are responsible for the full year\'s tuition except as provided under the Elective Tuition Refund Insurance Plan.
OTHER CHARGES: Bookstore purchases, special course fees, testing fees, school publications, and field trips are billed to parents. All other charges are due and payable when bills are rendered. If bills are not paid, charge privileges will be suspended.
Grades 5 - 12
Number of students: 415
Number of teachers: 50
Financial aid: none available