St. Luke School
Woodburn, OR - 97071
About St. Luke School
If you seek top quality academic development within a caring, faith-based environment, consider Saint Luke School for your children. We have a diverse student body reperesenting many religions and our family centered schoool community welcomes you. Mid-term enrollment is available and registration for the next year starts in Feburary. We are always available to answer questions or give you a tour.
Tuition for 2012-13
Registration Fee: $150 per family
Book Fee: $125 per student
K-8th Grade Tuition
Catholic: $4117
Non-Catholic: $5341
They also offer a preschool program, call them directly for pricing information that meet your needs!
Admissions Process
We like to start out our admissions process with a tour of the school given by the principal. When you visit during our school day, you will have a chance to see our students in action and get a good feel for what our school is all about. Please call the school office to make an appointment.
Admissions Paperwork Checklist
You will need to have several items in order to help the admissions process along. Please have a copy of the following documents and items with you when you come to complete the registration process.
Completed Registration Packet
Birth Certificate
Immunization Records
Baptismal Certificate
Fundraising Agreement
$100 Registration Fee
Each new family will need to meet with the Business Manager to set up a tuition payment plan before signing up for Fair Share Hours.
Parents will also need to fill out a background check, take a one-time Called to Protect training, and complete additional online Armatus training before chaperoning field trips or volunteering at school.
Grades Kindergarten - 8
In operation since 1903
Number of students: 193
Number of teachers: 10
Financial aid: none available